Balci CV

Hamza Balci, Ph.D.


G-Quadruplex-Protein Interactions, DNA repair, CRISPR-Cas9, Single Molecule Biophysics, Fluorescence Microscopy, Force Spectroscopy, DNA-based Liquid Crystals



1998-2004  PhD, Physics Department, University of Maryland, College Park,

1994-1998  BS, Physics Department, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey



August, 2020-Present Professor, Physics Department, Kent State University

August, 2020-September 2024 Undergraduate Coordinator, Physics Dept, Kent State University

August, 2015-August, 2020 Associate Professor, Physics Department, Kent State University

July, 2018-July 2019 Visiting Scholar & Marie-Curie Fellow, Bionanoscience Department, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands

August, 2009-August 2015 Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Kent State University

April, 2007-August, 2009 Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Prof. Taekjip Ha’s Laboratory

Nov 2008-Jan 2009 Visiting Scientist on EMBO Fellowship, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich. Prof. Karl-Peter Hopfner’s Laboratory

July, 2004-April, 2007 Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Prof. Paul Selvin’s Laboratory

2000-2004 Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park. Prof. Richard L. Greene's Laboratory

1998-2000 Teaching Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park


PHY-12000                             Introductory Physics Seminar, Fall 2021

PHY-23102                         General University Physics II, Spring 2020 & 2021 & 2022

PHY-45501/55501          EM Waves and Modern Optics, Spring 2012 & 2014 & 2016 &2024

PHYS 45201/55201         Electromagnetic Theory, Fall 2016

PHY-44600/54600          Introduction to Biological Physics, Fall 2013, Fall 2017, Fall 2019

PHY-40195                     Biophotonics, Spring 2011

PHY-40099                     Senior Honors Thesis-Fall 2011

PHY-40096                     Individual Investigation, Spring 2016 & 2018; Fall 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2020, Summer 2021

PHY-40060                 Physical Literature on Single Molecule Biophysics (Spring 2011)

HONR-40096                     Individual Honors Work (Spring 2011, 2014, 2015 & 2018); Fall 2011 & 2014

PHY-40020                         Advanced Physics Lab, Spring 2013, 2017, 2023; Fall 2014 & 2022

PHY 35101 Classical Mechanics, Fall 2023, Fall 2024

PHY-30020                         Intermediate Physics Lab, Spring 2013, 2015, 2017, 2023; Fall 2014 &2022

PHY-23101                 General University Physics I, Fall 2009 & 2012, Spr 2010 & 2011

PHY-13002/13012          General College Physics II-Fall 2011, Summer 2012 & 2014

PHY 80098 Research, Spring 2020 & 2021, Fall 2021, Summer 2021





Served in the following Departmental/University Committees:

Served in the following Thesis Committees 

As Advisor

As Committee Member

Served as referee for the following journals: Science, Nature Methods, Nature Comm, Proc. Of Nat. Acad. of Sci (PNAS), Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), Nano Letters, NAR Methods, Jour. of American Chem. Soc. (JACS), Nature Cell Discovery, ACS Analytical Chemistry, Scientific Reports, ACS Synthetic Biology, Biochemistry, Biochimie, Jour. of Mol. Biol., Jour. Phys. Chem, Jour. Phys. Chem-Letters, and Jour. Vis. Experimentation (JoVE), Journal of Medical Sciences (NEOMED)-a student-led scientific journal

I also edited book chapters or other content for Taylor&Francis and Wiley.

Served as referee for the following funding agencies: National Science Foundation-USA and Ohio State University, United Kingdom-Cancer Research, Canada-Leaders Opportunity Fund, Research Grant Council China-HongKong, Czech Rep-Czech Science Foun., Saudi Arabia, European Science Foundation, Switzerland-Swiss National Science Foundation (Sinergia), Netherlands-NWO.






Title: Influence of small molecules on G-quadruplex stability, folding kinetics, and interactions with proteins

Source of Support: National Institutes of Health (NIGMS, R15)

Total Award Amount: $437,617

Role: PI (100%)

Award Period: 05/01/2018 – 04/30/2021



NSF-DMR (07/15/2019 – 06/30/2023)

Title: Phase Behavior and Physical Properties of Thermotropic and Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Oligomers

Position: Co-PI, Other Investigators: Samuel Sprunt (PI), Tony Jakli (Co-PI), James Gleeson (Co-PI); Amount: $573,103

NIH R15 Grant (03/01/2015 – 02/28/2018)

Title: A Single Molecule Exploration of Protein and G-quadruplex Interactions

Position: PI (100%), Amount: $346,271

NIH R15 Grant (2012-2015)

Title: A conserved G-rich region within human TH promoter regulates its activity

Position: Co-Investigator (%50), Amount: $280,768

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Collaborative Research Travel Grant (2013)

Title: The Influence of G-Quadruplex Structure on POT1/TPP1 and RPA Access to Telomeres,

Position: PI, Amount: $5,840

College of Arts and Sciences Research Resources Award, KSU (2013)

Title: Acquisition of a Harrick Plasma Cleaner, Position: PI, Amount: $7,094

University Research Council, Research Activity Support including Undergrad. Students (2013).

Title: The Influence of G-Quadruplex Overhang Length on RPA-mediated G-Quadruplex Unfolding. Position: PI, Amount: $2,714

ICAM Junior Scientist Exchange Award (2012)  

Title: Single Molecule Studies of Human Telomere-Binding Proteins (TEBP)

Position: PI, Student: Sujay Ray, Amount: $4,052,

Farris Family Research Incentive Proposal (2010)

Title: The Interactions of DNA G-Quadruplex Structures with DNA Binding Proteins. Position: PI, Amount: $24,000

University Research Council, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Title: Effects of Internal DNA Labeling on the Photophysical Properties of Cyanine Dyes,

Position: PI, Amount: $3,460

ICAM Junior Scientist Exchange Award (2009)  

Title: Single Mol. Studies of Human Nucleotide Excision Repair & DNA Damage Checkpoint.

Position: PI, Student: M. H. Qureshi, Amount: $5,300